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Saturday, October 27, 2012

really felt like i lost a gd friend today
your reply and reaction is totally.....

im really doubting am i too sensitve or you have changed
im still trying to tell myself that im still in doubt now and im sensitive

but after tonight....

you kept saying that you have very lil friends in front of me and us
trying to tell me that im not ur friend?
or what?

giving me the vibes that i choose this kinda LOUD place that you and other ppl dislike
im really sorry to say that it wasnt my intention to choose that place im merely
"granting" or i shouldnt say this word...
im merely following wad the birthday girl wishes
choosing a ULU place.. im sry i did not choose that outlet too
and im also sorry that i did not give u the direction on HOW to go
im suppose to google on how to get to that place
due to time constraint i did not do it so i tought no one asked abt how to go before that day arrive!!!
so i think those who is going with me which is only eileen wouldnt mind taking  cab
down from orchard with me...
if seriously beacuse of this my friends are angry and says that this palce is not for her,
im really very very disappointed...
firstly you didnt even ask how to get there before that day arrive!!!
secondly i hv given you the exact place name so you could have GOOGLE it like the address
and how to get there RIGHT!!!
why do i have to make ppl angry over me for this kinda matter?
so is it really my prob my attitude that is making me losing all my friends???
 blaming me on choosing a place that i dont even know how to get there is really serious!
SG is a small place... there is always CAB
alright cab is ex den take cab from NEARBY... how much can it cost?????

my dearest good fren you have always been my good fren
there is a reason why i did not share with you my r/s prob
or there is a reason why i did not look u up when my r/s prob arise
the reason is not that i did not treat u as my fren you know?
honestly speaking even my bff does nt really know what exactly happen
i just think its not time for me to share with anyone
i just think that i wanted some own thinking
just this simple!!!

but the way i feel that i have been treated by you today was really
its not a way i think my good fren would have treated me
there is so many times that i asked what are you all talking abt
or chatting abt... you kept quiet there
so just because im not into korean stuff
not in your group chat so i dont deserve to know what is it going on?
if you feel that explaining to me is a waste of time and i wouldnt hv understood
as its a language between you and ur group chat
then fine...
i really think you could hv at least try explaining
really hurt me to see me feeling hurt now
crying now because you are really a good fren of mine
although at times i really think the way you treat us and
the way u treated your bf was diff
you are still my gd fren...

i guess the more hurt you feel when he or she is more than a fren to u

the fact that working in the same building same company
and im being left out not known that you and a few frens are actually
meeting up for LUNCH is totally wowing me out
alright i think im very too sensitive over this issue...
probably im just not a good fren to u...
thats y u guys prefer to lunch without me
didnt know this until my bff actually mention this tonight...

chilling at a posh place with bunch of good frens for an occassion
is expensive... eating at posh place with your special someone
is ok... wow... kinda too bias.... 

its kinda weird and childish for me to be like this...
are we still in primary sch?

writtern @10/27/2012 01:54:00 AM


It was definitely a very fun filled evening with my dearest bff
my best of the best...
she is not best of the best for NTH
she understands me
although she might not be "always" there for me
but it was because i didnt tell her or inform her
i am really really really totally feeling greatful that she is still there for me
being my bff and allowing me to be her bff <3 br="br">
Although she might be unable to see this... you definitely know this
i love u!!!
being the last birthday celebration with you before you come back from US
2 yrs later, really looking forward to our next birthday celebration!

seriously speaking you leaving for US
is almost like my bf leaving sg for work
but my bf is only out of town for the most 2 months
and you are for 2 years
the tought of it is really really unbearable
im actually crying now so i doubt i can win the bet with my frens...
its a bet that i will not cry on the day she leave....

In life its okay to not have a lot of friends but its not okay to not have at least a bff
i have one...
im not someone who pray but will always think of you and ur husband safety there
be strong my friend... its definitely gonna be a good experience to your life
gonna train ur independence and mould you a stronger person!!!
maybe when u are back.. u will be the one taking care of meeee!!!

thank you my dearest
happy birthday my dearest <3>

writtern @10/27/2012 01:12:00 AM

Thursday, October 25, 2012

HaPPy 51st MonThsaRyyyy

51 months sound so little isnt it

its long weekend, tomorrow is a public holiday!

i misses

writtern @10/25/2012 08:04:00 PM

Saturday, October 20, 2012

its a gloomyyy night...
raining outside

why do i have to be such a hardworking girl
going to office on a early saturday when everyone is snoring away

booo hoooo

have u been thinking?
thinking hard??

The power of words... will break or make you

writtern @10/20/2012 09:31:00 PM

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

just as im getting use to life without work...
wow... life without work is slp slp and more slp
you only wish that it rains in the afternoon so that it makes ur nap more worth it
whahhahaa oh and i did not wish for the rain...
it just miraculously rained in the afternoon for the past 2 day
come to think of it being a TAI TAI isnt a bad thing hur?

craving for so much food!!!
its all hard food so kinda hard for me to chewww

feeling soooo blue now...
is work that torturous?

writtern @10/17/2012 10:27:00 PM

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I think im a BRAVE girl...
surviving with no pain killer on my 2nd day
Although i did cry during the surgery...
and im freaking hungry right now!!!!
 craving for all sorts of food that i cant possible eat now!

 i think im braver and stronger

writtern @10/16/2012 11:33:00 PM

Had a wisdom tooth surgery yesterday.. it was horrible... hearing all the drilling n cracks and seeing my bloody tooth.... i didnt really take good care of my teeth.. bad girl!!!

writtern @10/16/2012 05:35:00 PM