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friday surprise rock me
Tuesday, August 19, 2008


writtern @8/19/2008 09:43:00 PM

hurray for table tennis singapore!
Friday, August 15, 2008

can u imagine everyone in the bus is concentrating

watching olympic!

seeing our own team SINGAPORE!!!

the match i see was vs korea...

korea was really strong u noe!

upon seeing them playing for long
in 1 serving time!

1 word for them!

its so so difficult to play long within a serve for us la!

ok we are not professional...
thats y i see them in an envy view!

if im not wrong gold medal gets 1.5M
silver 750k

i don mind having this kinda profession!

its quite sad LI JIA WEI ended her journey in the singles match..
but she did well in doubles!!!

way to go GO GO !!!

im serious about leanring badminton or volleyball!!!

totally serious!!!

hey btw!!!
ge tai (7th mth ghost festival singing concert)
this yr need to pay money for ticket?
upgrade already!
i dont mind if theres a stage/song for younger generation!

might get my no.2 to go on stage to sing!
his profession!
part time job la!


alright i'll be seeing sweety cutie No.2 in less den 24 hrs time

weekend is here again! =)
what movie should we catch this week!

not forgetting im seeing my cutie lovely ah ma nel nel~
and jeanette!
ok not jeanette AW...
jeanette WEE!!!
hahha suppose to hv mac breakfast!
miss mac breakfast!
so which meal would i order
any guesses?
hahahhaha pressie for winner!

writtern @8/15/2008 10:34:00 PM

b-e-a-u-tiful wednessday
Thursday, August 14, 2008

wednedsday was never beautiful without u~~~


eileen's "hao hao"

very funny when eileen call him by this name!

she say very cute~...

today totally broke...

no money no change in my wallet...

cause of my foolish act ytd dinner...

we had BK for dinner...
my no.2 nights out...
waited for him at sengkang inter...

he wanted todraw out money
but i tought my wallet 14 bucks+ is enough
so save the hassle of going up 1 lvl
queue up for withdrawing out money...
1 meal upsize + hershey pie+onion ring+drumlets

abtr 17+
short of 2.30
hahhahaha quite funny...

send him back to camp~
but he waited for my bus back home with me...
well bus came quite fast~

these few days we have been playing a game...
its a game we play in secondary sch...
and in the movie "love guru" got this game too....
it really does keep my brain busy for some time
thinking how can i trick my no.2!

isit because we seldom meet den u nv laugh enough!

nv get enough laugh from me!!!
i don wan my jernel to feel stress!!!
at least feel happy cheerful!
the anything jernel!

i really miss volleyball!!!!!!!!!1
super miss sentosa!
jernel organise 1 trip to sentosa?

ALRIGHT tomolo's FRIDAY!!!
but no.2 isnt booking out...
booking out on saturday!
tomolo im going to pray pray my grandparents!
my beloved grandmother!
my mum says we shall hv nice food after that!
yea finally!
hv been some time already!

zoo...k-box...movie...bowling...sentosa shall be my craving for the week!

i wanna eat all geylang's nice food too!!!

tomolo's half day~
11am co. having the 7th mth prayer thingy...
wonder how will it be like...
first job to hv this experience!

colourful hao hao



writtern @8/14/2008 08:19:00 PM

Sunday, August 10, 2008



Sunday ending already~

this weekend seems short...


must endure for 5 more days to get to another weekend!

so to be able to see No.2!


but im sure he's gonna hlp me endure it tgt too...


wanting to watch firework on sat... NDP~

hahhaa we missed it in the end...

well its okay la...

we manage to see the after effect of the firework...wahhaha

well shall see if we manage to watch the firework during the
firework celebration on 22nd and 23rd Aug....

i've got this feeling wishing
that time stops and the world could just
evolve around no.1 and no.2

jernel i noe what i wanna tkae up already!


haa quite impossible too~

seeing eileen tomolo at work~

i so wanna see my no.2 now...
no idea y too... haa

Tanya: Dang Ni Li Kai De Shi Hou

hor hor...
No.1's addicted to No.2 Singing!!!

im still waiting for the songs mr 2!


this week sickness is strong!
no.2 didnt feeed me with medicine!!!
hor hor!

super looking forward to Fri again!
jump out of bed tgt smiling away happily!



writtern @8/10/2008 08:15:00 PM

Addition of Addiction
Thursday, August 07, 2008

Dont you guys think friday should be a holiday?
since sat is a public holiday!

nel's the lucky one to have off on friday!!!

which means i'll be alone in skype tomolo!



so don need to go skype anymore~


its a rainy thursday!!

had a very good laugh over the joke of "forklift machine"

over at our working place,
container/lorry and forklift is very common!

while crossing the street some lorry might even horn at u~
not the fact that u are jaywalking
but for some particular stupid reason~

the forklift joke is really super super funny...
if theres a chance eileen and i can tell
this joke infront of u guys...
if i blog it here...
its quite er xin~

friday is not onli symbolises end of week
but also symbolises START OF OLYMPIC!!!

oh man remember jernel's idol!
alright did i spell correctly?
still remember our idol?

mine's mr raymond chan~
eileen's Mr anwar? hahha or Mr Chia?
i remember she say mr chia very poor thing...
cuz whenever he teaches no one listen to him....
wonder howz he
before we graduate he already stop teaching us physics already
nel's mr lee wung yew
nette's mr bob chan

MR LEE WUNG YEW is our country shooter!
he takes part in shooting!
hopefully he can win some medal man!
super proud of him!
anyway he don teach anymore~
remember he took leave when he's away for his SEA game
when we are still in sec sch...
and when we went to com lab for F&N proj,
we log in to computer sch system to peek at photos!
SEA games pic...
other player like swimmer blablabla~
THOSE DAYS that we miss...

oh yea~


need my daily dosage of medicine

hey BTW!!!

today is hungry ghost festival seventh day!!
the so call one of the valentine day!!!

qi xi~


writtern @8/07/2008 09:47:00 PM

missing wednesday
Wednesday, August 06, 2008


my missing wednesday!

this week is a hectic week for us~
strange part is when im busy
eileen's free
when she's busy
im free


something strange that make me understand whats misses/love

Tuesday was very tired!
almost doze off while skyping too!
hahhaha jernel la~
feeling blue. . .

no la juz kidding...
well when i feel like listening to No.2 "the singer voice"
it came true~
at that moment i just kept laughing

because its really very very sweet
and seriously im very awake!!
eyes sparkling too!
cant imagine just that few mins of phone call~

hohoho im not someone that easily feel contented~


Suddenly look super forward to weekend AGAIN!
cuz doing a lot of things alone quite sad~

oh well... SUNDAY!!!


i wanna go marina bay to watch planes~

fighter plane~

hey wad do u think... watching firework in singapore flyer?


friday shall wear white and red!

shall go for the firework festival fireworks!!!

in less den 24hr No.2 wont miss his bed and No.1

so is No.1

~very addictive~

writtern @8/06/2008 09:43:00 PM

when No.1 meets No.2 meets No.1
Monday, August 04, 2008


its monday again!

who says monday muz be BLUE!

oh well most monday is blue~

so would u guys be jealous if mine is not blue these few weeks?


im gonna spread my "non blue" monday to me bao 5~

eileen being wth me should feel the non blue feel
as for jernel...

let u feel it through skype haaa


you put aeroplane on me!


but forgive u since u don feel WELL!!!

take care k...

so dinner shall be on u this week right!

so shall eileen kat nel join in too~


hopefully kat can describe her sch life using more words
rather den juz"my nick tells all"

which is"sch lessons boring"


hmmm weekend was nice!

making my monday passes quite fast!

but was a lil affected knowing next weekend will be different!

its not what we want~


No.1 misses No.2

theres this old tales i heard and its frm real life ah ma kind story~

where No.1 waits for No.2 no matter how long it takes~

reminds me of JJ song "hui you na me yi tian"

the song i cry in ktv!

i wanna play pepsi cola 123
the game they played in WEDDING DAZE!



No.1 ♥ No.2

heart heart u

writtern @8/04/2008 10:35:00 PM