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Blood Type B
Monday, July 28, 2008

28th July!

my first time i forget to bring my PASS!!!!

please let this be the last time too =P

not only did i fail to bring my pass...

my handphone went out of batt too!!!


suprisingly bluey monday isnt that blue afterall...

and time passes quite fast too...

so tuesday and soon will be wed!

then friday!

have been some time since having this kind of motivation
for weekend...

i wanna go library again....
seeing all those travelling books really hv the
STRONG urge of going for HOLIDAY!!!!

oh im blood B~
izit real that if parents are blood b den whole family
gonna be type B...

oh my stingray~

and prata~


~heart u~

writtern @7/28/2008 08:58:00 PM

The Dark Knight
Saturday, July 26, 2008

wasnt that bad as i tought~

Bruce Wayne is good looking~
bruce wayne is "batman"
in the cartoon that i watch just now,
at cartoon network, bruce wayne was also good looking.
being a cartoon character i mean...

and i remember theres other baddy
penguin with the umbrella~
my bro and my friend mention "the 2 face man"

i think my laughter is nicer den joker rite?


well its also my first time watching such a late show!

230am show...

ended around 4 plus going to 5...

and indeed don park your car at the cineleisure carpark
which they says a lot of bird shit~
indeed at that late hours also will get bird shit la!
if you don want to send ur car for car wash better don park there
or don even walk there~

reminds me of the morning walk from sec sch bus stop to
sch gate...
a lot of birds and smell of bird shit!

jernel don think too much for ur work le...
its weekend just enjoy ur only 2 days of weekend!
hmm poor thing!

reminds me of my previous job...
weekend working away~

well my saturday wasnt that good either...
bored at home blogging at this hr~
im back to staying at home on weekends

i wanna watch wedding daze and prom night for this week....

and play bowling!


writtern @7/26/2008 04:18:00 PM

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

tuesday seems a long day too~

but it ended already...


well wednesday coming soon...

but it would be better if friday is coming!

oh i've got durains at home!



hopefully i don need to sit beside a "funny" guy!

can i sue him for office harrassment?


no la... he's juz playing around...

but i don even hv the feel to play wth him man!
quite disgusting~

oh haa...
eileen has got a new fren...

well hopefully she not that bored le lo...

today's quite a sianz day too~

writtern @7/22/2008 10:49:00 PM

nong nong time ago

almost a month!

ever since i last blog...



many things happen in the month of july~

full of


full of LAUGHTER~

full of WORRIES~


sound liek roller coaster?

today just down seem normal...

eileen wasnt her normal self!

wads wrong GIRL!

u okay ma...

sorry i wasnt my normal self to perk u up too

hopefully tomolo will be back to normal!

this monday seems so BLUE!


so many movies that i wanna watch is coming out!

i wanan watch "prom night" this week...

cuz next week has got "mummy"

and i think the follwing week should be
"journey to the center of the world"

alright... its 12 30 soon!
better knock myself out soon!
or else im gonna be sleepy again~

oh yea...
enjoy ur holiday~

erm i call it a short break!

i want mine too!


and lastly....

saturday 19th july is really a very fun day!
or funny day! haaa

writtern @7/22/2008 12:14:00 AM