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Sunday, March 30, 2008


the story line seems nice!!!


writtern @3/30/2008 01:08:00 PM

Qing Ming Festival

liying's at work in progress...

Tired... it would be great if i can fall asleep!


jernel bluff me!!!
she says she will be meeting me in msn at 12pm!!!
its going to 1pm soon!!

i might play some games during the night!
since theres nth to do!! hahaha

anyone visit me??

Actually i kind of miss the days where im at home on sunday..
Isnt Sunday suppose to be family day???
come on wheres my family day???
guess my colleague is out dating with her soon to be husband!!!
she's getting married this august!!!
since her sunday is her"family day"
so poor me at office NOW...



my mum dad and brother went "sao mu"
my dearest grandmother!!!
so how can i not go?
i promise her i will go and visit her during occassion!


i miss her a lot

i miss the days where she beat me

talk to me

bring me to school

fetch me from school
sitting at the playground there waiting for me

give me and my brother extra money to buy sweets or lil things

accompanying her to the market in the morning!
because that was the time where i get to buy some stuff
where i dont have the money to buy at that time!

Really love these times... going to market tgt
taking 293 to the 400+ market....(near eileen house)
den we will go NTUC... ask frm her $1 or 50 cents
to turn some stuff out frm the toys machine =]
or even taking bus to yuan pasar (near nette house)

watching tv together and taking nap together!

using her handkerchief to wipe my face

most importantly COOK FOR US!!!

she left us when im in secondary 2
near christmas!

at that time i tought she will be able to see grand grand child?
thats wad all grandmother look forward to rite?
but too bad i dont even have a target now...
i tought i will be able to treat her using my first fulltime pay?
come to think of it...
i miss her so much yet y didnt i dream of her at all?
some says its good... because she might be living happily
nth to worry so nv let me dream of her
wad kind of logic??
liying's logic...
patent pending some more!!!

writtern @3/30/2008 12:27:00 PM

something something something
Saturday, March 29, 2008

I was granteed OFF today!


i'll be at work tomorrow!
okay.. should be "today"
its 12:06am =]

cant imagine saturday juz slip off...
typically "slipping off"

oh finally went to "zouk" today
haven been there before =]

i didnt went there to club =]
we were there early in the the evening 5pm!!!
who will be in zouk at this HOUR!!

audrey waiming seng and i went for ASKA YANG showcase today...

was singing showcase...
he only sang a few songs...
less then 6 song!!
i onli like 2 song that he sing today...
i forogt wads the title...
number one is bei pan (by cao ge original singer)
number 2 original singer by sun yan zi steph...
he sang before in competition i guess...
anyone know the title!!! please leave me a tag!!
ps: i know the song already! its clal "yu tian"


he's turning 30 soon... hahahhaha

the whole "showcase" was abt an hour...
shop within cine and hereen...
first was cine den to hereen den back to cine for dinner...

audrey's bf is quite fun to tok with too...
funny... hahaha
can crack joke with...
the moment i see him looking at newspaper at this 7-11
i told him
"never pay cannot see"
"can see ma?? cuz eyes quite small"
hahhaha basically im juz breaking the ice...
juz kidding with him!!

seng and audrey not WORKING today!!
they didnt crack much jokes to make mi laugh enough!!!

nel we are waiting for ur reply...
seoul garden???
sting ray??? zhi cha???
anwyay wish to budget the treat dinner to abt 50 bucks?
which means paying the bill with 50 bucks

i miss lynette!!!
and eileen!!!
im really jealous!!!
cuz eileen went sentosa!!!
with her ah lao...
jealous only okay eileen...
not angry!!!
and who dare to ANGRY WITH YOU...
you juz recover frm ur sickness ma..... lol
so when are we meeting...
eileen remember him? =]

had the same feeling as kat...
wish to be vanish for a while...
guess there will be a period of time where
i didnt blog/msn/reply sms/pick call

she's addicted to "Gary 单数"

writtern @3/29/2008 11:58:00 PM

friday E 28th MAR
Friday, March 28, 2008

Im so tired even on my off day!!!

while on my way back from parkway on the bus 43.. i fall asleep =]

seng and kat la...

play pool...
played something i have no interest in!!!
okay la... i can still laugh while they play...
im not mad okay!!

we had our breakfast cum lunch cum dinner at BURGERKING!!!

they ask me wad to eat...
i replied"i want to go old house there eat"
Idiotic seng kiat just bring us to burger kinG!!!

he went all the way in without me!!!
i wanted to ask what makes u so sure i will go in
and wont go back home or wad!!!

am i too kind to be bullied???

kat ar kat...
seng and i still don really uderstand why u don wan to tell us!!
we sort of understand your so call ur logic...
but still u didnt answer our question!!!


guess wad...
im off tomorrow!!!

i think i will get my pay today!!!


so sad... i cant finish off my money that soon!!!
must save!!!


can we go out tomorrow?

writtern @3/28/2008 12:23:00 PM

Saturday, March 22, 2008


is my font hard to read???


no la...

actually quite difficult!

cuz small font!!!

i wanna change it to a BIGGER font!!!

open up my music files....
listening to this song...
chris daughtry title---over you

one of my favourite...

the hairband is making my head in pain!!
my hair clip thats for clipping up my fringe SPOILT!!!
that was bought in montique...
i was figuring with eileen if i should get the clip...
hahah stupid me...
the tought of it now is really kinda stupid...


so i uses the "not in use" no teeth metal hair band!
look at how budget i am... wowowooooHOHOhohoho

AS IF...

if im budget enough i should have been able to save up a lot!!


today's pouring SATURDAY!!!

raining like sky's crying non stop...
the droplet is heavy/enormous enough
to hear me say ouch~~~

i think those ppl beside me should be quite puzzled...
if partial of me is wet... why should i say ouch~~~

can i be frenz with the police at istana?
i wonder if they realise im walking there almost

i also realise im begining to be a workaholic!
1 off day in a week which suppose to be twice a week
going back to office on PUBLIC HOLIDAY just to finish off
some stuff!!!

how i wish im overpaid!!!


im not outside shopping walking around on this saturday!
still consider fun to be at home at 5pm saturday evening...
even if theres no program for MISS LIYING!!!

seem to realise that i spend lesser and lesser time in
this room ever since i work....

we seem to lose things through the way to gain some thing...

an exchange???

"wake up wake up on a saturday night"
listen to hilary duff wake up...


audrey told me she has got yang zhong wei zouk concert ticket...
saturday 6pm

EILEEN TURN me down already!!!
no la... not consider turn me down...
its alright...

my friends are busy working individually....
wonder howz lynette...
even kat has a job already....
needless to say seng also has a job already...
working at a place where enable him to see different country
of ppl everyday!!!
korean and ang moh's are my first target!!
hahaha JUZ KIDDING!!!

haven been to airport for some time...
erm nope...
the last time there was to eat popeye
with nel and seng...
miss those days!!!
miss nel and mr seng... please stop being so workaholic!!
she wants to take the wrong direction of bus 27 again!!!

when the tought of my friends going to national service
really feel LONELY!!!
imagine no one to sms to disturb anymore!!!!
kenneth in taiwan think still doing fine!!!
was very surprise he gave me a call last 2 weeks ago...
felt glad too...
did some catch up with him too...

i wanna learn to drive!!!

OH YEA....
i watch HORTON already!!
watched it at tampines GV with zhi guan
the giant cutie elephant...
jim carrey!!!
i think i laugh very loud!!!
so embrassing!!!
forgot to ask my neighbour if im laughing that loud a not!!
wonder why i tears a lil in this HORTON movie!!!
we also found out that the mayor sound was jesse mccartney's voice!!!
i love the few of his song!!!
and i tought i listen to his songs only...
cuz he dont seem to be VERY popular ma...
but zhi guan also know this guy...
and the song beautiful soul...
which i relisten/puting it to my playlist
in my mp3 lately...

i came to know this singer jesse mccartney through cinderella story movie
and he sang a few song in the orginal soundtrack!
cinderella movie watched with????
jernel and eileen and the bunch.....

i wanna watch kungfu panda!!!
theres a tiger character!!!
chronicles of narnia that LION...
reminds me of SINGAPORE!!!

tomorrow is a sunday!!!
COOl sunday???
i will be found working tomorrow!!!
at lemeridien!!!
hahaha nvm... i have my heart to accompany in the office...
that heart was the cushion!!!
i stole from my antoher office...
and i will be in msn talking like theres no tomorrow!!!

i haven been MAD these few days...
with my colleague and my boss...
cuz whenever i will ask them not to touch my heart!!!

its meant to be given away to my loved ones ma...
and my heart has got fingers!!!
i will start dancing with it...
and the verdict from them are
"time to look for u a bf"


seems to me that i haven been blogging for long right??
i seem to be blabbing away non stop~~~


writtern @3/22/2008 11:25:00 PM

miss miss miss
Tuesday, March 18, 2008


hahaha missing in action for BLOGGING!!!!

these 2 weeks seems to be busy week!!

i didnt seem to have off day during weekend!!!

anyway im OFF today!!!

caught a movie at vivo...

my first movie at vivo GV...

the seats are comfortable and soft~~~

watch Rule#1...

eileen and i think its not a VERY nice MOVIE afterall

but happy for fiona too..

being able to film with shawn yu wen le...

nel are u jealous!!! whahaah

i gotta admit he's quite handsome!

im working tomolo...


anyway suppose to meet up today RITE!!!!

on thursday you all should know who should be the one treating DINNER


Singapore fly over lighting is out....
its beautiful!!
shall we go drop by on thursday???

cant wait for thursday to arrive!

writtern @3/18/2008 08:04:00 PM

wish every girls happiness
Saturday, March 08, 2008





HIP HIP---------

out of no where someone pass me a pink rose in OCBC BANK
while queuing up to deposit tons of cheques!

My fren cum colleague were so lucky to receive the pink rose!

but i was telling her i don wish to receive it

because i don wish to be san ba...

today is san ba fu nu jie ma....

san ba=gossip bitch


no la juz kidding...
imagine what... im still in office blogging away...
its 8:38pm now!!
in addition im listening to radio too!!
nice songs!!!

i learn something today...

my boss is reading this book about happiness..
many many researchers researching about happiness
but its really absurd cuz i find that
happiness cant be measured at all....
well can tell that it should be a nice book to read up...
definitely worth reading up...
BUT... my boss say takes time to finish..
cuz CHIM!!! lol..

and what we seem to see doesnt mean to be what we feel.
actually this example is a good example!
if you see a dish collector collecting dishes in food court,
you might feel pity and think saying she must be unhappy sad.
however we wont know if she's really that unhappy or sad in her life!
she might be even HAPPIER den you...
its really so true!!

losing control is a VERY SUPER painful thing to lose
compared to someone who dont even have control before.
example: a manager has control over normal staff one day
when his control is taken away... how do u think this manager
will feel and how a normal staff who dont have control feel.
the normal staff will lead life as per normal.
however the manager will feel miserable losing the job
controling staff everyday!!!
this situation is the same for BGR!
this boy has control over the girl,
what if one day,
this boy has lose all the control over the girl!
the boy will go mad even cry!!
hahahah amazing?

people think far/future
and think negatively however will get prepared
if situation turns out not to be as smoothly as it is.
something like wont get heart attack if things
don seem to turn out as what it should be.
because we are at least a lil prepared for the bad
as we tend to think negatively.
this is the advantage for those ppl who tend to think negatively!

after the talk about happiness really find all these things amazing!

when your friend approach you to hlp her to babysit the kids
next month.
u happily agreed saying yes.
however when you are into it or when the dates are drawing near,
u will think saying y izit that you
have to undergo all these shit babysitting cleaning these stuff,
thinking what the hell makes u agree to it!!
because AT THAT POINT OF TIME YOU WANTED TO HELP as being helpful
and all den when u experience it doing it,
thats the time we think saying aiyo y ar y ar....
so our brain is not true to us!!!
we cannot depend on our brain!!!

for me i agreed working sunday as OT as im thinking
not enough ppl, my colleague dating day ma...
so cannot expect her to work on sunday
however when its saturday or sunday it self,
i will grumble..
grumbling away how come work on sunday!!!
anyway fyi my OT pay is not much!!!!
haha please praise me for being SO HELPFUL SO TOUGHTFUL!!!


bye kenneth!!
really hope you wil take care in taiwan!!
i really look forward to seeing my friend kenneth
in october which he says he might be back!!!
he was being sent to taiwan for NS
national service!!!

well makes mi think of taiwan airport!!
if theres a chance i really wish to go taiwan again!
its quite a nice place!!!
i don like their traffic flow remember!
wish to be there again!!!!



liying can easily be happy!


miss my friends!
when are we meeting up?

writtern @3/08/2008 08:34:00 PM

audrey ezann cecilia
Thursday, March 06, 2008

After the long day work....
which ends 1130 on 4th MAR!!!
well... anyway... went all the way to leeling's house.
Actually we are planning to play Mahjong...
But by the time i reach there already 1230am!!!

they finish playing after i reach abt 1/2 an hr later!


but we still play porker cards...
guess how much i won or lose!!!
i lose 30+bucks for that nite....
luckily cecilia went too...
so i dont need to go home alone!! =]
taking midnight taxi with someone is CHEAP!!!
we stay in sengkang so from pasir ris to my house den to her house
cost only about 12-13 bucks!!!
i rememberd that was FOUR PM!!!


alright... on the 5th Mar..
we met around 3pm...
had LUNCH at clark quay WARAKU...
the PRAWN MAKI IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!
all the yummy photos are with audrey!!!
i decided not ot wait for her anymore
and here i am blogging while i should be busy working!!!
well i have things to do... quite a lot...
1 of my task is to call those ppl who signed up already and paid deposit!
but i don feel like toking on the phone if i have to be in silent mode!!!
cuz theres seminar going on... which is just outside
where i have to lower down my volume!!!

Cecilia had choosen her present already!!!

im very confused!!!
if i should study diploma in poly!!!

Big girls Dont cry~~~
im small girl

writtern @3/06/2008 08:11:00 PM

work play blog work home sweet home
Sunday, March 02, 2008

IMAGINE im blogging away at work!!!

my second post for today!!!
both done up during my WORKING hours!!!

im also playing GAMES during work...
say me naughty please....

not a fruitful sunday!!!
im @ work tomorrow too....


writtern @3/02/2008 07:30:00 PM

eileen ezann day out

The first thing i say to our dearie eileen was
"how can i not spot u with this striking gold necklace"
guess wad she reply....
go guess la...
i wont say

We had our walk from meridien hotel to center point to cineleisure
lunch lunch time....
had our lunch at HK CAFE...
had been some time since we go to HK CAFE...

i still rememeber audrey's favvy FRENCH TOAST!

even our food photo was BLURRED... hahaha

Walk over to Hereen wondering why everytime we go shop around
we would laugh over the joke we made years back...
the joke about conversing in hokkien in a high end shop(high class)
this joke is always a joke without FAIL!!!!
we also had a joke abt the sandals havianas...
this shop always display TY (rainbow) Bear
eileen was saying
"wah buy sandal can free the Bear a not... got come with the bear a not"
Because the bear is hanging around IN the sandal!!!

from hereen to far east....
joke from head to toe!!!!

oh yea we saw kenneth outside hereen!!
he and his naomi and cousins.... went to sentosa before coming to town...
jernel starting her job tomolo...
wonder when will we be seeing sentosa again... hahahha

at the end of the day this is wad we bought:

eileen*a red colour pouch to put her mirror comb oil paper
liying*a slipper similiar to the one jernel bought for me on my birthday
but different colour AND AND AND a spects.......

it has been quite some time since we met up!!!
think didnt hear her voice for 123456789 weeks/months????
hahahaa just about 2 weeks i guess~~~

anyway kenneth's farewell dinner will be on 5th MAR
he will be leaving for taiwan on 7th mar!!!!

writtern @3/02/2008 11:46:00 AM