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monday's gone juz like that
Tuesday, November 20, 2007


did nothing at all for monday!!
kinda felt a lil like HANDICAP!!!
hahaha... lie on bed...
oink oink ZZZ slp~~~

up till monday 6pm!!!
how could the red wine effect lasted THIS long!!!
this was the first time drinking THAT much of red wine
and as to wad audrey and nette was saying red wine
effect is slow~~~ and its REALLY SLOW!!!
time spend in the toilet yesterday was making my neck "sour"

hahaha but guess poor audrey should be suffering blue black!!
arms will be done by kim choo
leg should be done by....me... LOL
but her jeans is thicker den her thin shirt!!!
wahhahahah so u should noe not to play "hai dai" =P
hey... my hand is in pain too!!! LOL...
guess i love playing "hai dai" than other game~~~
nothing, five, ten, five~~~
LOUSY in that!!!! everyone's forte except *me* =]

needless to say the ambience~~~~ NICE!!!!
facing sea~~~ and the lights from across... twinkle twinkle lil stars
hahahhah... has been some time since we met leeling too...
oh... she ask how are u doing eileen!!!
she seems to be a different leeling... VERY HARDWORKING!!!
anyway it was a good catch up... plus enjoyable night
with the "game" =P

ok.. theres no again...should be
jernel move blog again again~~~
hahahahah... *laughing @my own joke can be tiring* =P
70 bucks for the new look was not ex rite...
quite a few items rite???
hahaha nel.. he sure hv those talent in taking photo with u...
the photo wth move open!!! cute!!! LOL
spect photo was very sweet too...
both in spect = couple ma!!!
LOL... i wont mind wearing spect if im u!!!
our jernel where got ugly before!!!
cause she's jernel bao5 ma... =]

something sweet juz make me tear!!!!
normally only something sad make us tear
BUT this time is NOT SAD AT ALL!!!
my crabmeat is the mastermind!!!
whahahahah crabmeat is only for eating!!!~~~~
eileen lee qian wen E crabmeat girl~~~
hahaha didnt think that far... THAT...........
my 7 rainbow colour and the korean actor se7en can link~~~

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eileen wrote
"seven colours each with different happiness!
but if someone were to give her SEVEN(yong cheng gong),
she will be even happier :)"
EILEEN....thanks for the 3 colours!!!
at least i've got 3 colours better den none rite!!!
this 3 colours and that entry can really make me
tears whenever i read it!!!
im so super duper touched by it!!!
im gonna bookmark it... so that whenever im not feeling right
it could brighten my day!!! hahahaa
maybe all this seems normal~~~
but it means a LOT to me....
"love u eileen mauckzzzZZz"

Laughter is really precious which i CANT afford to lose..
but Friendship is also something
which i cant bear and never to lose
although im not close to my family unlike any other~~~
Family is also something which i love and nv be replaced!!
well Love "the remaining 4 colours/big hand"
still in the process of searching~~~~ =P

eileen!!!not only does our korean pie looks familiar!!
that middle jam jam biscuit too!!!
ur changi village food~~~~
got da bao for us ma???
suddenly feel like drinking that drink of urs!!!

~klass photo~
part of the klass only... LOL
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writtern @11/20/2007 12:36:00 AM

the end of sch the start of boredom/nightmare?
Sunday, November 18, 2007

BEING able to go school is always GREAT!!!

hahaha im self declaring HOLIDAY NOW!!!

i no sch already!!!
self declaring holiday cuz suppose to get down to study for EXAM!!!

so so so super duper anxious over biz stats
not anxious over results cuz i haven sit for the exam yet!
anxious if we could do well for the so call"last lap"
forget abt FIT[fundamentals of information technology]

hahaha eileen can say bye bye to sour feeling at shoulder and neck!!!
because of statistic she has been having this syndrome!!!
LEMON on her neck and shoulder!!!

susan says if im her "no voice to talk"
i will jump down the building
touchy wood!!! no voive = mute???
eks... no way... no voice=no life
okay.. i dunno wad im toking abt...

because its 5.02AM!!!
eileen was online around 4am...
tought was emily accidentally log in to her msn...
so didnt chat wth her in msn!!!
guess wad!!!
thats eileen!!!

hmmm... so wad happen for the week??

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she's trying to show u something!!!

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new week starting!!!
so does santa coming DOWN SOON!!! LOL...
took a few photo wth our klass malay girls...
during the last lesson on friday!!!
shall post it once they send me =D

still we didnt get to take WHOLE klass PHOTO!!!

audrey's back from her THAILAND THAILAND!!!

im still lookin forward to going out of singapore!!!
i heard someone saying "sentosa"
LOL... also can~~~ no problemoOOoo

why not out yet!!!
my jessica ALBA!!!
she's so YOUNG CUTE PRETTY GODDESS SWEET...................
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jessica alba is a nice name rite!!!
erm end here??? LOL... cant think of anything now... 5.24am~~

oh... we gonna miss visiting dorothy together!!!
hahahah~~~~ susan and eileen please laugh....
if u all nv tag back and laugh den its a disrespect to me!!
yah yah~~~ eileen gonna start saying abt msn nudge and all???
hahahaha... thats how it goes... we go round and round~~~
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nv heard of best friend play merry go round ma????

erm are they inviting me to cross/go over???
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cuz its my rainbow ma~~~ wahhaha
no la...
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they steal from my room decor!!! =P

wads this???
this juz caught ALL[susan eileen ezann] OUR ATTENTION!!!
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thats how artistic our sch are!!!
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orchard road lightings!!!
its really beautiful!!!
the toughts of being squeezed in the crowd was the immediate tought!!!
not forgetting those SPRAYS~~~~ whahaha imlovinit
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btw i didnt took all the lightings onli this part~~~
for the time being~~~

hey...personally this entry is BORING!!!
listen to the song...
"im very sure this nv happen to me b4"
"this nv happen before~~~~" happen wad???
me being bored~~~ LOL


writtern @11/18/2007 04:46:00 AM

thursday already??? 0-o
Thursday, November 15, 2007



wahahhaha... laugh all u want...
i almost finish my projet in less then 15 mins!!!
except a part... search till neck long~~~
"preventive measures if LAN is infected with virus"
all i get is abt sickness...
HIV TB CANCER bla bla bla...


while heading back home on my way to dhoby mrt...
juz outside ISTANA that stretch of road towArds mrt station,
a human being wth skirt and a sleeveless top with LONG HAIR
"smiled" at me!!!
its dark... so i didnt noe if she's man transform to woman or
a woman~~~
the next minute when i realise i turn my head back,
i was already with a smile~~~
did she smile to me cuz im smiling???
anyway how can i smile back at ppl so easily
when i dont even noe if she/he is my fren??
LOL... that smile juz come unknowingly!!!!
i juz tought could she be my classmate???
or some kind of friendly tourists???
actually im thinking maybe she tought im one of her KIND
thats y smile at me rite!!

i called abt 60++ ppl today!!!
for reminding them to attend our course~~~
some are funny...
some are juz busy till cant wait to put down the phone!!!
so i gotta hurry myself like choo choo train!!!
those funny ones are really funny...
wonder if im the one saying the details out to them
or they are the ones saying out the details to me!!!
actually wednesday is quite a good day to work every week...
cuz only this day there are more younger age groups!!!

u say u feeling better today le...
yet why don feel like going to sch man???
don make me alone la!!!!

writtern @11/15/2007 01:38:00 AM

nice monday
Tuesday, November 13, 2007



ewwww monday wasnt that bad afterall...
it was bored at work... but time seems to tick quite fast~~~

unknowingly its 10pm..

meet up audrey lynette and audrey's fren...
forgot their name... lorrain?? something like this??
she's very pretty!!!
hahaha oh she's like another nette...
actually she looks quite like malay compared to nette...

they were at HKcafe [cine]
making me walk frm meridian to cine ALONE!!!
wahahha... well the streets are not as pack during the day~~~
so dilly dally~~ LOL

anyway enjoyed yesterday night...
if everynight is like this... it will be fun~~~ LOL
we even called seng to book him on sat~~~
see how lame are we!!!!
ewwww today working again~~~
and i havent touch on my info tech project

idiotic info tech is haunting me...

ps:nel u can sms EVEN slower u noe!!!
as slow as tortoise~~~ LOL...
making me wait till fall asleep!!!!!!!!!

writtern @11/13/2007 11:55:00 AM

Sunday, November 11, 2007

today is a SUNDAY

its really a fast day!!!

already 6.15pm!!!

monday gonna arrive ="[

next week shall be our last week of schooling!!!

last week of the last 2 module for this course!!!!

a week study break

a week of examination


thats it~~~ no more school....

then it shall be my time to send resume...
the start of my working life...

howz working life gonna be...
working environment???

im quite looking forward to it...

its juz that im not too sure if i could keep to a job
for as long as poosible???
i could if its something i enjoy!!!

heard of many working ppl... STORY~~~
eg. don like this don like that...
so not peaceful at all!!!

okay im gonna hope my boss is a good person!!!
im afraid once i did something wrong
and there comes scolding
next will be my dripping tap...

guess i shouldnt think that far yet rite!!!
cuz i haven taken my statistic exam!!!
hate info tech the most!!!
dont even understand at all man!!!

no matter wad!!!
i don wish to take sub and retake module!!!!
law and marketing results coming soon!!!
having cold feet already!!! whahahaha

eileen... should be feeling better already???
frankly speaking... i hardly see my best friend tear!!!
theres 1 very serious one which is secondary sch...
of course don include those movie tearing!!!
i think i tear more den her when it comes to movie!!!
eileen im sure we can make it together for our statistic k!!!
its onli a klass test so we shall do our best during study week
for statistic EXAM!!!!
well actually seeing my class test results kinda disappointing too
cuz i say before... i better score and do my very best for statistic
because its a maths module... and i don wish to see a lot of C or D
i wanna see a few A and B!!!!
wonder why... when it comes to statistic and accounting
i cant bear to see a C or D to it...

visiting library very very soon again!!!
how must i tell my boss that i need to take off for exam???
when its a busy period!!!!

is marketing communication good???
sound interesting!!!
wanna give it a try!!!
BUT... first job seems kinda IMPORTANT!!!
alright... eileen u go open a shop la!!!
den i be ur worker!!!
remember im F&N student!!!
wahahhaha can cook well okay!!!
envy eileen... can be TAI TAI!!!!!

CHRISTMAS coming!!!!

oh yea~~~
santa come to my house??
i wanna receive loads of present!!!
thats one of my dream/wish too!!!
but not my main dream/wish wahhahaha

time to think of our christmas celebration!!!
our ppl seems lesser and lesser!!!
can we recruit more ppl???

we are FREE!!!!
as free as free willy
remainds me of willie... wahahha

oh... and im looking forward to catching up with shannen
she's a real beauty!!!
those guy is really stupid enough to leave her!!!
her brother wedding today!!!
gosh.. haven been to wedding dinner for so long already!!!
hahahah how i wish i could attend the wedding dinner today!!!
there will be a lot of things for me to see!!! hahahhaa
juz kidding...

urge to go D&D... prom nite... grad nite~~~

6.40 ALREADY!!!
i do blog a lot rite!!! wahhaha
gv a pat on my shoulder plz!!!

okay im the stupid/rubbish photographer
taking THESE UGLY photos =]
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the GORE is not OVER YET... -_-
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retard pic requested by???
when was this taken??
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writtern @11/11/2007 06:14:00 PM

BLUEY yellowy reddy greeny WEEK
Friday, November 09, 2007

hey WAD HAPPEN!!!!
cant seem to upload photos...
and i finish blogging already!!!!
gotta continue the uploading then...
when im back frm work tonight...

so... shall do a lil posting first..
all this wishes and words to u will be posted in the nite...
after my work...
so u will be able to see it tomolo!!!
sobby... blame photobucket!!!!!!

gotta drag my feet to work again...
thats not the worse yet!!!

such a blue week man!!!
heart is also feeling HEAVY!!!
when is my rainbow week arriving!!!!!!!!

feeling so damn no good!!!!!!!!

i miss something
really miss it!!!
im missing my own laughter and happiness!!!

enjoy my week...
is there anything to enjoy???
have a nice weekend...
will my weekend be nice???

brighten ME!!!!
i dont wish to continue this kinda mood
for the upcoming days/week/month/LIFE!!!!!

wads onto me

writtern @11/09/2007 03:29:00 PM

merry birthday jernel

alright im gonna get a good scolding for being lazy
not uploading sending u guys the pic rite...


im bored but really lazy to upload them!!!
anyway im done uploading already!!!!

so im not lazy girl already~~~
dunno wad im toking abt too~~~~

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jernel wee li yeah!!!
love u loads!!!!
celebration might not be that GRAND~~~
still hope u love the surprise we gave okay!!
hmm u might not feel that happy now...
but still be the happy princess for the day!!!
no matter wad happen u know we will be there for u!!!
always...forever...n ever...n ever~~~~
mrs chinny~~~ merry birthday!!!!

fixed the celebration date to be on 7th nov!!
its a wednesday!!!
no boring klass for eileen and i~~~
but poor nel having klass at 4pm...
that y she cant dress up!!!
nope not poor nel... is happy nel!!!!
cuz we are meeting up for pressie search!!!

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ok this photo..WAD AM I DOING~~~
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was at simei platform around 1130
eileen was complaining the hot stuffy mrt so we shall alight
board the next train... that was how funny we are
laugh please~~~~

when we are suppose to alight at bugs stop
i tought its lavander stattion!!!
cuz the 2 station look so ALIKE!!!
had lunchy at teenage cafe again!!!!

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this time round we took the "vip" seat
alright it looks so vip to me!!!

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so sad... didnt spot any roaches!!!
if not cake is on house again!!! wahahaaha
eileen's the one greedy over the cake!!! whaahaa
filling sumptous yummy finger licking lunch lunch lunchy
even if its macdonald i will find it deliecious too...
cuz im not eating alone...
detest having to hv meal alone...
be it packing back home...
still its very LONELY to eat alone!!!

overall we gotten her pressie
so pressie searchfor the day didnt do to waste!!!
nel... u still say u hv feeling u wont get anything???
rubbish chute~~~ LOL

went to central mall while nel went back for sch...

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eileen even bought and exchange a pair of shoe!!!
she does bought a lot for the day...
for her ah lao of course~~~
guess she muz did something wrong to him...
thats y she keep buying him things for the whole month!!!
juz kidding... scared later he took my words for real!!!
den i will be dead meat... wahhahaha

went back to tampines to make the BIRTHDAY CARD!!!
for birthday girl jernel...

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sorry didnt capture how its like inside!!!

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jin hong was so last min in contacting me...
telling me he book out already...
cuz we intend to hv him as the surprise... for nel..
so he was telling me he cant cuz nv book out!!!
anyway... jernel was really surprise seeing HIM!!!
her surprise look!!! LOL...
had dinner at ajisen... luckily eileen and i shared!!!
cuz in the end we are also very full...
right choice... =p

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the mini mini mini cake for jernel!!!
ok some sort of cup cake~~~

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but it looks really unique!!!

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as usual the kissing part of birthday girl!!!
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its really small that she complain no cake cutting!!!
all went seperate ways after dinner....

had our own program...
its eve of public holiday!!!
thats the problem..
eve of public holiday... spells trouble~~~~
anywhere u go queues everywhere...
shall update more abt it then~~~~
2.55pm and i didnt get a wink yet!!!
thinking going home after sch might catch some slp

lastly... merry birthday nel...
stop feeling disappointed!!!
let the disappointment haunt u after today!!!!
cheer up man!!!
its ur big big big big huge giant day!!!

writtern @11/09/2007 03:24:00 PM