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Tuesday, March 27, 2007


i guess im having phobia now.. phobia of com!!!
i hv been facing the com for 8 hrs a day
and now tuesday meaning,... 16hrs already!!!
my job is VERY BORING... cuz the things i do now is juz checking
maybe after 2 weeks will hv more tough things...
this is wad my boss say....
but provided i pass my this week probation...
anyway my working area also not many ppl de...
and all gers... at the other section den hv guys...
but didnt see SHUAI guys leh... hahaha..
onli see in MRT!!!! early in the morning and some when i knockoff...
im having problem!!!! i sit till BUTT pain... pain like hell!!!
sit till i don feel like sitting when i go to work and go home...

oh i saw cecilia juz now... so coincidence... VERY... hahaha...

i also knew juz today that ah qin 1 of his song is
teenage mutant ninja turtle de song... chinese version ba...
cuz today my work place there got album den they play
ah qin's song... and even say that time they took pic wth FIR/him
when he came... they frm warner??? anyway i hope to see
FIR hahhaa... actually my workplace very small...
its juz an office... the headquarter is not there...
thus also lil chance of seeing singers.... haha
but on my first day of work saw joi chua... lucky???
i was even telling them wont be able to see de la...
den next few hour she came...

actually time passes faster when i don look at time...
but wad can i do... the com has got a time ma...
i joke wth 1 of the part timer there say stick a sticker
to cover the time...

the lunch i had for 1st day was wanton noodle... erm not nice...
second day mix rice... alright onli... this 2 days we eat in office
cuz they say no seat to sit outside...
when nel and eileen come lunch wth mi... we can go fast food instead...
cuz more seats... hahaha... but 1 hr very lil...

haiz... should i regret taking up this job???

thiking of blacky friday party makes me sad!!! very long no party!!!
i wan party!!!
NEL!!!!!tought today is our galare day????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

alright hope for a better tomolo...
very fast WEDNESDAY le.....
den april 1st can get salary rite??? when am i getting my salary ar...
nel eileen??? i forgot wad the person say le...

okie dokie... update again soon!!!!

writtern @3/27/2007 07:45:00 PM

its friday again
Saturday, March 24, 2007

yeap... its friday again...
we dont really hv a place in mind...
thus most of the time is slacking yesterday!!!
but i still had a great time slacking!!!! we chatted a lot...
and GOSSIP a lot too... whahaha gossp on anything...
anything we saw... i lurve slacking wth my gurl gurl
oh... i tought eileen say the new nick is kept to ourself...
den y jernel say it out...........

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well to me... i hv ALWAYS damn looking forward to meeting my gurlfrenz...
be it friday or anyday.... but most of our time meeing is friday!!!
really cant imagine wads friday gonna be like after this week!!
haiz... quite sad!!!!
guess it will be a boring day... work till 6pm and go home???
haiz..... ~~~~

can meet after 6pm de ma.... =:(
maybe i wont even hear frm them once i start work....
maybe they wont hear frm mi once i start work.....
well thats the day i dreaded too... like gona say bye bye...

when are we gonna hv steamboat ar...
so full of envy!!! someone having steamboat today!!!
cuz its someones big day... wahahha... big dae -_-

haiz.... sad... sianz... no mood to blog too....

of course theres others who are not in pic...
kat kim nette when are we having our family pic???

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writtern @3/24/2007 12:35:00 PM

Thursday, March 22, 2007


haiz... so bored... even though jernel's online....
she also didnt tok to me....
how heartless of her!!!!
eat lunch also nv ask mi...
there i am complaining so HUNGRY!!!!

eileen y u nv online.......

haha finally kat's working...
but working for 1 day onli... hahhaa...
so seldom to see her online in the early afternoon....
den i went over to ask her... there she says she's working!!!
hahaha.. surprise... 1 day work...

wah eileen ur xue er very kawaii...
too 可爱了啦...
in all the pic she looks so very very happy...
hahaha got yakult drnk den happy le...
really makes mi wanna turn back time and enjoy my childhood life!!!
guess xue er really enjoy ur stay wth her hor...
hahaha... but u can carry her ma??? i scared u so weak later drop her on the floor!!!

oh well... where are we going tomolo.... suggestion???

the tought of weekends makes mi go bonkus....

writtern @3/22/2007 02:44:00 PM

Sunday, March 18, 2007


saturday im at home!!!!

the first weekend...
E first weekend that im happy upon...
cuz no sch anymore.. need not dread abt monday...
need not sad on sunday cuz its the last weekend!!!
whahaha... well hv had the slp i lost a few days ago....
hmm cant say enough.. cuz slp is nv ENOUGH!!!!

woke up abt 1 plus???
i remembered i woke up occassionally but still able to slp back..
so the time i woke up is the time i cant slp back... hahaha...
came online the moment i brushes up eveerything...
online to find jernel... she was away... and i saw her blog saying i still sleeping!!!
haha... i awake she went to lunch... NO FATE...

i had a very late lunch!!! thus its my lunch cum dinner...
but in the night i felt darn hungry... hahha...

hmm overall yesterday wasnt that bad at all... bored cuz stayed at home..
but got jernel to accompany mi!!!
we played game... and not forgetting her bf too...
wah wth the 2x exp im 60% already!!!
jernel... u should not hv given up ur seats to ur sis!!!
hahahha... and now im blogging u are away AGAIN!!!
so early lunch???? or bathing to get ready to go out...???

well... so any program next week bao5???

writtern @3/18/2007 11:59:00 AM

TiMe fOr CeleBraTioN
Friday, March 16, 2007


time for celebration!!!
its our weekly hang out time too!!!FRIDAY!!!
hv always look forward to it!!! ALWAYS... without fail...
cuz i love hanging out wth my bunch of girls!!!
my girls ROX!!!
but... can i request more ppl next time...
our girls like kat audrey and netty... they very VIP...
very hard to ask them out altoghter de....

sing sing sing was today's program...
yesterday i sang... today still sing.. ppl muz hv been saying im mad!!!
well..ok la... i still had loads of fun today!!!
eileen was saying she a lil odd one out... cuz nel and i wore something like dress..
but mine is not counted dress... is more like a top/blouse ba...
anyway... eileen not odd la... her strking green!!! LOL... make our eyes pain...
hahaha... very high when we sing fei lun hai song..... 超喜欢你...
and also FIR 我要飞 forgot to sing leehom "WHY" hahhaa... our muz sing song..
oh and also JJ my ah ma de song!! haha... i say my ah ma song cuz
whenever i sing/listen... it makes mi think of my grandma!!!
actually wanted to sing that... but too high le.. den nv choose that...
hm there more n more new songs le... angela de also hv quite a lot liao...
today a lil rush so didnt get to sing quite a few song... like cyndi de...
and many many more!!!!
ops we took abt 125 pics today... excluding mine and nel's hp cam!!!!
we having hard time... cuz too many pic!!! hahahah


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eileen where r u... hahaha

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we sing we sing we sing sing sing

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eileen wad are u taking???

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有那么 sad 吗??

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hungry ghost festival now??? whahaha

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high high high high high high

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wu zun!!!

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escapee from mental hospi??

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look forwad to next week!!! shall hv a movie day on monday or tuesday hahaha....
muz plan next wek program le!!!!
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oh when will i be plaing GOLF... and horse riding??

writtern @3/16/2007 11:42:00 PM