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su shan happy birthday
Saturday, December 30, 2006

oh man.. .fianlly able to blog le... hv been trying to blog since yesterday!!!
so i gotta wish su shan belated happy birthday....
but i wish her in msn yesterday le!!! =P

yesterday was yet another boring day!!!! someone says 4 plus be back!!
anyway... is ok... she always wait for us... now is time to repay her.. lol
jernel... y u keep lagging in msn!!! i nv even lag b4!!!!

tomolo is my brother's chinese birthday... actually celebrating tomolo...
but tomolo s new yr eve... so i was out to countdown...
thus.. can onli celebrate early cannot late... so change to today..
will be eating feastfeast later... *excited* and i suggested cake... lol
should hv cake later... wahha... hmm later if goin buy cake... at compass..
i shall go take a look at the handphones... oh jernel bought a new handphone..
congratx... hmm the next t change should be mi or kim den to eileen... lol..
but i don think eileen will change so soon...cuz hers still working fine rite...
oh eileen... change back to wu zun's skin?? wahhaha... miss him too mcuh ar...
cuz muz wait till monday den can watch hanakimi...

hmm tomolo is the eve already!!!!
31st december tomolo!!! WOOOOO....HOOOO.....
time juz passes FAST...


recollection of wad we hv done in 2oo6??
lol... i shall go see all those pics... wahhha....muz ask eileen or nel
send mi le.. cuz some very very old de i think i nv keep... =(

ERM i slept at abt 630am today!!! super??
wahhaa... i was playing games.. play till my hands go numb...
but happy to see i lvl up.. wahaha...
okok.. photo time!!!

this is taken before christmas!!! sorry for the late photos.. wahah

LOL... comics??

buning mouth Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
LAME -_-"' Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hostinghungry?? want some eggs???

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stay tune...cuz got nette!!! lol

writtern @12/30/2006 01:29:00 PM

boring friday
Friday, December 29, 2006

eww... everyone's out!!!
so lonely~~~
hmm jernel say i woke up early today...
haha.. cuz yesterday night i slept slightly earlier...
nth to do ma!!!!

oh today was quite a sunny day!!!
i was looking at handphones in the afternoon...
but the phones i like was not out yet...
wadsmore my brother say N series always hv prob...
hmm... gosh!!! hv no ideal phone in mind now!!!

juz now when i went down to buy lunch,
theres a few macdonald worker sitting outside the smoking area
of mac quarreling!!
theres abt 5-6 crew 2 wth red shirt...
i heard ayoung ger shouting... quarreling..
wth an adult mac crew... that adult was like our mum's age..
hmm wonder wad are they quarreling abt...
but te girl's voice was really SHARP and loud!!!
i was shock to hear her do the toking using shouting!!!
and the first tought comes to my mind is ME!!!!
lol... i muz restrain frm shouting!!!

aiyoyoyoyo... nth to do!!!
life's boring!!!!
oh 3 more days to 2oo7!!!!
wah cant wait man... do we hv to wave good bye to 2oo6
juz like this... HAIZ!!!!!
eh eileen u didnt say sprite i didnt think...
cuz i was thinking y seng kiat orderd us sprite instead of coke....

can i hv holiday FOREVER!!!!

writtern @12/29/2006 04:41:00 PM

Thursday, December 28, 2006

wahhaha... night at museum!!!
love ben stiller.... HUMOROUS!!!
he acted in 40 yr old virgin too...
and meet the fockers... [if im not wrong]
hope he can act more movie... den i will watch and watch!!!

haha hv been sometime since e watch movie tgt...
jernel and i...
eileen didnt join us today... cuz she was wth her mum watching movie too...
wth her sister i guess...
they watch curse of golden flower!!!
lol.. which seng kiat comment that its a stupid show...
wahhaha... anyway eileen say not bad...
hmm jernel and i met in the afternoon 12.30
and as usual i was the one late... i tought she will also be late...
cuz before i leave house... i saw her still in msn!!!
and juz b4 i leave house.. seng kiat called...
making mi even late.. =P
and there i was clumsily bringing an umbrella...
the umbrella was the stick ones...
cuz i didnt hv a bag to keep a small umbrella...
so deceided to bring the long one instead...
oh and luckily i bought along my JACKET...
century cinema was pack... yet is cold!!!
and in bus too... was so so so cold!!!
im those who scared hot also gotta wear a jacket!!!

hmm had the 2.35pm show... cuz seng needs to go back sch
to return things... and guess wad....
at 2.20pm... jernel and i juz started our lunch!!!
we had korea ramee and char keow teoy!!!
DELICIOUS... oh and 1 ice kachang!!!!
and we didnt finish our ice kachang!!!! so wasted!!!
should hv ta bao to cinema eat rite!!! lol...
i tought ice kachang got 2 artapchee...
there i was searching my artapchee.. tat seng went to eat the one and onli!!!
was so full and hurriedly headed to cinema...
we miss the first 5-10 mins of show... if we watch at gv...
i don think we will miss the show...
cuz gv always got a lot of advertisement!!!

alright... the funniest and stupid thing happen on us!!!
guess wad... the seat we are suppose to sit..
was being seated by 2 malay boys... and they claim that thier seats
were taken thus sit on our seats... shouldnt they stand up and go back
to their seats... making us stand there like blockig ppl's view...
and poor seng kiat... gotta tell the 2 dunno chinese or malay
who took the 2 boy's seats.... anyway was so malu...
den that stupid seng kiat say still find for artapchee some more la...
lol... still say mi... i think he is the one finishing the whole candy floss..
i didnt touch it... think jernel juz ate a little or didnt even get to eat...

so after our movie... we went to BK...
cuz seng kiat haven eat... and he treated us a small cup spirit...
THANKS SENG KIAT... wahhaa...
oh btw... the movie was SUPERB!!! hilarious!!! wahhaa..
anyway juz love ben stiller!!! wahhaa...
oh after BK... went to TM... and he saw his fren
hmm dunno y jenel would say seng didnt wish her happy birthday...
den frm nv wish her happy birthday to didnt buy her present yet..
and that poor seng had to see how mcuh he left in his wallet..
so he ask nel to choose a present below 10 buckz...
and she choose a necklace... which somehow was choosen by mi...
wahhaa... so so happen that got 30% discount...
so was really cheap... wahhaa...
and i had to pay first.. cuz he went to find his fren and when he pay mi back...
was full of coins.. abt 5 dollars of coins... lol.. =D
oh before we left for simei, seng's fren ask us to hlp her take a look
at a wallet frm wallet shop... haha she was very funny too...
and guess wad... she guess that we are 16 yrs old!!!
wahhaha... we were so happy upon hearing it!!!
and the fact is she is younger den us by 1 yr!!!!
cant imagine!!! and seng's fren was saying him OLD!!!! wahha...
went to simei cuz nel's sis wanna buy stationery... so we tag along..
and jeanette has become more and more ger ger..
unlike last time a bit boyish boyish... and we were comparing
jeanette's skin tone wth seng's skin tone... of course seng's darker...

we went to pet safari too...
and i was being bullied by jeanette and seng!!!!
y jernel nv hlp mi one!!!! BADDY SIA!!!!
saw many cutie hamster and cutie dog...
sa a rabbit in the room cutting fur... and at first i tought is cat..
cuz didnt see its long ear ma...den that seng start nagging again!!!
and i still find no reason y JERNEL nv hlp mi!!!!!!!
lol..... hmm eileen... is seng ur brother???
cuz u and him share the same nose...
cant smell de!!! LOl.......

oh... juz before i say home sweet home... i rememberd something..
nel was saying last time sec sch.. we had a habit of beating each others butt
whenever wherever.... and onli we didnt beat kat's butt....
at that time.. nel and i say the same thing...
cuz we scared kat angry...
and i said something like... onli seng not scared...
den i added something like... if u not scared den i dare u to go beat her butt lo...
wahaha... he immediately say siao ar... lol... means HE SCARED ALSO!!!!

hmm today was raining almost whole day!!!
now my hand is cold cold de!!!
oh... u noe y its raining this few weeks...
cuz... korea singer RAIN'S coming to singapore wahhahaa...
funny??? lol... freezing cold... =P

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the dog i holding seems ANGRY!!!

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home sweet home*haven take out contact lens*

writtern @12/28/2006 08:11:00 PM

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

juz heard frm frenz that theres earthquake yesterday
at taiwan... hope eveyrthing is alright there!!!
bless bless bless...

so due to the earthquake... some ppl de internet connection
turn out to h problem...
difficulty in signing in to msn... loading slow...
for mine onli slow in loading...

today is yet another slo cum fast day...
i dunno izit slow or fast...
so fast another day past....
wad a day... ROTTInG in front of com again!!!
ARGH!!! can die soon...

was waiting for ppl to come in to msn!!
but none came in... so disappointed...

hey nel... don sad abt the results le...
wad we can do is only to study even harder???
haiz... thats call life...
juz hang on to it for a few more months..
and it will pass... WHOOSH....
wahha... CHEER UP!!!
mi too...exam coming real soon!!!
but in my brain seems to hv nth abt studies!!!
haiz~~~~ DEAD MEAT!!!!
u like this will onli make mi fear of going to poly...
hmm juz like secondary sch... listen in klass
do more revision i guess it will be ok for u...
jia you!!! cheer up!!! send flying kisses!!!!

its the last few days of 2oo6!! we shall celebrate!!!
hmm i know le...
we mu wave goodbye to 2oo6 happily...
and happily welcome 2oo7.. that way...
then we can hv mor happy things in 2oo7!!!
wahhaa... no harm trying!!!
juz be happy at the fact that 2oo7 coming in a few more days..
nel should be the most happy...
cuz she would like to grow faster...

and wads more... 2oo7 will be our 8th yr of friendship...
muz celebrate rite!!! wahhaa... so may occassion to celebrate!!!
but i don seem to see bao 5's soul!!!!!!!!!!!
where hv u all die to ar!!!!!!!

where are we going ta celebrate our new yr eve!!!!
is ther any song for new yr??? =(

writtern @12/27/2006 10:13:00 PM


oh man...
bored to death!!!
everyones out....
no one in the house...

yoyoyo im the onli one in the house!!!
*not funny*

wad to eat today...

anyone buying things to me
or visit me???....

Create your own at MyNiceSpace.com

writtern @12/27/2006 02:21:00 PM

day ending soon ) =
Tuesday, December 26, 2006

its 10.02pm..
day ending soon...
another day gone...
and is still raining!!!!
i spent my whole day infront of the computer...
msn blog and songs...

hlp jernel wth her blog... and killed my brain cells..
cuz the words are all joint up!!! lol..
anyway.. the skin was NICE!!! keke..

oh happy boxing day!!!
y do we comemorate boxing day???
so o allow ppl to box here n there today???

hmm i noe its bad to eat sharksfin soup..
but when can i eat it again...keke.. =D

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so now i should eat a packet of mamee!!!
this mamee taste different frm last time...
dunno how to explain...
even if i eat it juz like that not putting in the seasoning..
it taste salty!!!

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writtern @12/26/2006 10:35:00 PM

dacing in the rain

raining...raining whole day...
from the moment i woke up in the morning
it has been raining............

today i woke up quite early =)
considered quite early... keke...
1 plus pm.... -_-"'

anyway... the moment i step into msn..
someone came to mi and say MOO...
whahaa... i was wondering y mooo...
and was JERNEL who does the moo...

juz had my breakfast cum lunch maybe cum dinner...
was so ex!!!
4.80... and the food wasnt that nice...
not yummy!!!
oh before going down to buy food..
i ate ferror rocher!!! wahha... thats YUMMY!!!
jernel was the one aksing mi not to eat rubbish!!!
is this rubbish?? lol.. ferror rocher is heaven food...

oh... now mouth itchy le!! feel like eating crackers...
whaha...but dunno y my stomach is FULL!!!
yet my mouth is itchy!!!
hlp mi scratch!!!
oh... heard frm eileen that xue er's dad was hospitalised..
and needed to do operation.. small operation...
but still hope he is doing fine... and xue er too...

wow... so fast... 6pm!!!
so darn fast!!!

hmm thursday eileen watching movie wth her mum...
den how... jernel busy on friday...
there goes our holiday... anyway...
i don mind having holiday rotting at home...
at laest can blog!!!
and chat wth my loveys...
which some are not in msn even there are online!!!
so funny!!!

ok dokie... stop here for the time being...
im waiting for jernel to finish her research
and eileen returning frm hospital!!!

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writtern @12/26/2006 05:49:00 PM

monday seems to be a sunday
Monday, December 25, 2006

dont u guys think that today seems to be a monday...
the fact is today is a sunday!!!

hmm.. today is a christmas day..
and everyone seems to be so peaceful..
haha onli christmas eve ppl send msges...
yesterday receive quite a few cute nice msg...
theres 1...
"yo merry merry merry merry christmas t u...
may all ur wishes come true!! which is to find ur big hand!!!"
theres another 1...
"jingle pau jingle pau jigle cha siew pau
lian yong pau, tau sa pau,siew mai, loh mai kai..."
i was laughing and humming it in my heart!!!

happen to see v8 cafe hv set lunchs for weekday..
cheap... got soup main course adn drinks... lol..
or should we watch night mare at museum...??
a lot of good comments frm frenz!!!
hmm well that means we gonna meet up again!!! wahhaha...
actually was thinking of going zoo... which jernel has suggest...
and im so excited... cuz can go outing tgt!!!
but wad if that day is a sunny day... hmm any suggestion???

wahaha... 2007 coming!!!
its gonna be a brand new yr!!!
2oo6 eileen had her wish come true... how abt ours!!!
hmm theres many things undone for 2oo6...
hope i could do it in 2oo7!!!
juz like wad eileen says... may my wishes come true!!

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writtern @12/25/2006 03:33:00 PM

~christmas eve~
Sunday, December 24, 2006

santa claus is coming to town!!!

another christmas passing soon!!!
its 2oo6 christmas!!!
thinking back... we celebrated most of our
christmas counting down at orchard...
but this yr... so sad... miss it..
hmm staying at home doing nth!!!

really wonder where has all my frenz die to!!!!

2oo5 christmas celebration at jernel's house
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2oo6 christmas celebration
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oh... 2006 ending soon...
we gonna welcome 2007...
which means another year older!!!
oh man!!!
i still hv a lot of undone stuffs!!!!

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2006 => Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

1 of our klass gathering pic...my jernel
at pasir ris park bbq!!!
which year was it??
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grad nitex 2oo4
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our chinese teacher MISS LIM
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lol... this is exclusive today over here onli!!!
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writtern @12/24/2006 03:11:00 PM

a very FUN day...22~12~2oo6
Saturday, December 23, 2006

1 more day to christmas!!
hip hip hooray!!
EXCITED!!! i really wish to see loads of presents when i open my eyes the very next day...
sound oslike farytale?? keke...
next time when i got married... i will hv christmas tree...
den put loads present for my beloved ones..
and the very next day he wake up... will see socks filled wth pressei!!!

i was wondering... can we frenz stay tgt???
we can buy a terrace or a big house together...
and stay under 1 roof!!! wasnt that nice??? wahha...
i guess think too FAR!!!

yesterday friday 22nd december!!!!
was our grand exchange present day!!!!
this was done every year!!! and i was so loking forwad to it..
even if we were so broke...
we still make an effort for a small present... cuz is a once a yr thingy!!!
we were all SO EXCITED on whose pressie will we get...
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wahhaa... we met around 12 plus...
kim met us arund 2 at cafe cartel..
cuz she was late... oh...we all wore dress... keke...
a theme... hahaa... only AUD didnt wear cuz she got blue black...
plz be more careful next time!!!

wanted to eat cafe cartel set lunch.. but was told finish le!!!
its not even 2.30 yet... cuz set lunch ends at 2.30pm...
anyway... we still able to eat our favourite carbonara!!!
darn yummy!!! love cafecartel cabonara....
oh guess wad... we were eating a lot o the free flow of bread
look at the pic first one has so many bread and the sec one left so lil
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cuz we got soup ma.. yummy!!! bread wth soup...
buy audrey ate the MOST!!! lol... cuz she say cafe cartel bread was the best!!!
hahh... is juz normal bread... i onli love the soft white bread...
soft ma.. keke.. i bo gei..[tothless] lol...
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look at our table... so many things so messy and DIRTY...
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for mi.. the most exciting part of the day will be
draw lots period...
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well its fine wth mi getting whom ever de pressie...
cuz to mi.. everyones present was NICE... onli audrey's ones are edible...
which eat le den no more le... i prefer something that can last... lol...
anyway aud's pressie was ex de... not normal chocolates!!!
haha... so the result was
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i took jernel's pressie
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audrey took my pressie
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eileen took audrey's pressie
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and lastly jernel took eileen's pressie

eileen's bear,jernel's mouse rest and pooh cup,audrey's chocolate, my "bao love u" frame was all cute!!!!
oh the card we took was done by eileen!!! handmade ai xin card!!!
thanky!!! muacky!!!! muack muack!!!
oh we took pic pic pic again after our full full lunch!!!
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hiaz... if there are more ppl.. it will be more fun!!!!

After all these excitemet... we went to hereen for da tou tie...
hmm wasnt really good... keke... anyway i still love it...
love u girls!!! my dearies!!!
went to slack and the coffee was not bad.. except a lil ex!!!
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they went to buy coffee
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we take take pic...
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anyway... its a nice place to slack and slack...
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its not that hot... got wind.. and we were all laughing like mad!!!
tourist there should be thinking singapore girls are all so MAD!!! lol...
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but who cares!!! i juz care whether WE WERE ALL HAVING FUN ANOT!!!
doing 1 of the classic pose...imitating this...
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kekee... we even took videos!!! wahhaa... we were all using funny tones
and the funniest ones was audrey trying to act the bao xiao xin ren wang
champion [am i rite?] haha...
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watch it... its at the right>>>>
christmas new yr speech can say till star awards speech!!!
so funny man.... so side track.. and the side track was nel!!

and evening arrived... HOME SWEET HOME...
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we took darn lots of pics... but juz choose a few classic ones...=D
whahaha.... i had loads of fun... really thanks to all my frenz!!!
thinking back... its great to be in siglap!!! cuz without siglap...
will i be able to noe eileen y hao peng you
wil i be able to noe my goody best jernel ah ma...
will i be able to noe the goody funny audrey
will i be able to noe the helpful always helping mi de lynette..
will i be able to noe the bishi bashi freak kat...
will i be able to noe bao5 and 5/C???
no words can describe how much i love each and everyone!!!
i love everyone who came into my life!!!
be it small character or huge ones...
wish u all hv a wonderful christmas and a happy new yr!!!!

btw bao 5= bao + 5 other members...
so total is 6 peepz in a group!!!
alright... end here...
counting down to christmas!!! yea yea yea!!!
2006 christmas!!!
oh... i also cant wait for our outing next week!!!keke...
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i love outing!!! and party!!!!

lastly our acting skills...
our xi [happy]
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our NU [anger]
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our Ai [sad]
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our Le [fun]
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writtern @12/23/2006 06:33:00 PM