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Thursday, August 24, 2006

erm firstly.. think i gotta say sorry to eileen...
are u angry wth mi!!!!
saw u today in sch when u finish sch while i juz reach sch...
it was abt 1pm...
hmm u look SO SO SO SO ANGRY!!!!
at first don even dare tok to u lo...
so u angry i didnt meet u today ar???
hmm sorry lo... i wanted to sms u in the morning...
asking u to go sch wth ur bf...cuz i overslept and very tired...
but i too tired till no energy to move my fingers...LOL
den quite shock when i was on my way to sch..
cuz my hp didnt show any miss call!!!
hmm i got go sch de man!!!its juz that some times it happen to be
when i meeting u... den overslept ma...LOL...

haiz... maybe i realli pon too much...
till i hv problems in my studies le...haiz...
derserve it rite!!! booOOoOooo...
guess next week gonna meet eileen and nette up for some revision...
i remember when our yr 1 sem 2 exam...
we went to nette house void deck to study... she's our teacher of the day... for accounting..
well actually gonna ton.. but that eileen say understand le... den don need... LOL...
well that day a lot of things happen... hmm but its all over..
cuz my that precious fren got over it... and leading quite a happy life now...well happy for her!!!
her new life was much better i guess!!!! hope she's not being bullied lo..
and also don bully him... LOL... (eileen's warning)LOL

next week will be kat's jernel's exam...and its also like our last week in sch!!!!
HOOOOO... SCARED SCARED...cuz i don wish to see my GPA to drop...
however i wish it could RAISE!!! at least to 3.5???
LOL... but kinda impossible!!!
quite regret my yr 1 sem 2 exam... cuz if i do well in my elective...
personal taxation... i could hv got a 3.5 GPA???? cuz i am so happy i got 2 As... haiz...
hope this term i can get 2As too... and at least elective B... YA YA...
all WISH... HOPE onli... muz work towards it la!!!
next week i cannot PON ar!!! muz go every single lesson!!!

hmm this week gonna end soon... quite happy...and sad...
cuz end means exam drawing near... happy cuz weekend ma...
don need go sch!!! LOL...
on the other hand!!! tomolo FRIDAY... BAO'S gathering!!!
YEAH.... its..............
LYNETTE!!!!! haha.... haha....she finally 19 le man...
finally i am not the oldest... keke... she accompany mi le...
wonder if she's happy or excited wth tomolo things....
but i am excited... cuz it has been some time since we gather and play...
oh... i also hope she wont feel bored... cuz there will be some missing members.... haiz... y always no full attendance sia!!!
but i understand... =D
alright...cheers for tomolo k...

time for some tv program tok tok...
oh don MISS this drama
so so so so so darn darn funny... every episode i watch... sure will laugh.
oh 1 funny thing... last 2 nite... my bro was having tuition in the living room...
and i shut my door up... and watch my lovely samsoon...
as u noe... i wont laugh soft soft... when its realli funny...
so i forgot my bro was having tuition and LAUGH so loudly that the teacher was laughing at my laughter!!!!
i juz cant wait for zhen xian to fal in love for samsoon...
oh... i cant wait to see zhen xian suffer without samsoon in his life...
samsoon aunty very CUTE!!!! and zhen xian expression also very funny..
jernel and i was busily crazy over it!!!! cant even miss 1 episode!!! =P
it has been 2 nite where we hurriedly finish our game so that we can watch our lovely samsoon!!!!

eileen... howz the show u watching now... princess hours???

writtern @8/24/2006 06:32:00 PM

as low as...first floor??
Sunday, August 20, 2006

guess everyone should noe this song...
its a very very touching song...
whenever i listen to it...i will cry...without fail...
its by vitamin C call FRIENDS FOREVER...
i love the lyrics...it always always always reminds mi of all my frenz
who had walk into my life...
you noe wad... if i were given a chance...
to go back to the past... with time machine or wadever...
i will DEFINITELY not miss my primary and secondary DAYS

its a period of time i don wanna don wanna don wanna FORGET
DEFINITELY not to forget...
well maybe cuz i am so old le...
need these happy sad memories to accompany mii
will we think about tomorrow like we think about now? can we survive it out there?
can we make it somehow?
the orange lines are taken frm the lyrics...
how abt... will we think abt yesterday like we think abt now...

hohoho... at home whole day... watch 2 show... HK movie...
its funny...
well tomolo.. MONDAY...
my stressful...dreadful...hating..monday...
really really really felt like giving up now!!!
i am juz so tired
darn tired!!!!
gotta act here and there...
so many downs rather den ups...
frankly speaking is this call life???
y izit that my life seems to be so different frm others...
well i am not greedy to be happy all the day...
of course who can be happy EVERY hr mins sec day week month...
haiz no words to describe... juz so darn low...
you all happy ma....
i really need a shoulder and pillow...for this whole day...month...yr...
shoulder plz.....

writtern @8/20/2006 10:00:00 PM

Saturday, August 12, 2006

yoyo ah bao in the house again!!!
yesterday went to watch fireworks again!!!
at esplanade!!! wah.. so nice!!!
but all the tress are blocking my view!!!!
but still its so so cool and beautiful...
nicer den NDP ones... keke

it was so so so crowded... but still its worthwhile!!!
oh ya.. went to eat over there... the stingray so delicious!!!
its beside DXO...

not forgetting meeting eileen at the marina sq arcarde
so fun playing the bishi bashi wth kat and kimmy...
so so so fun!!! lol...
oh and daytona... i am always last!!!! sobz...

after all this... we went to eat dessert at bugis...
kat zhi guan yan zhang and jin hong[hope i didnt spell wrongly] ate honeydew sago...
eileen ate mango sago...
kimmy and brendon ate... ops i forgot!!!
and i ate gui lin gao!!!! erm its call herbal jelly...
oh theres this joke i cant react to it.. cuz its juz too.. JOKE!!!LAME...
he said... herbal jelly inside got tortoise/turtle...
and why kat don wanna eat herbal jelly???
cuz she scared she eat le will become SLOW!!!! like turtle...
hahaha... funny rite!!!
and brendon is laughing at his own lame joke!!!
that kim also full of lame jokes... and kat they all!!!

hohoho... its a fun nite!!!!
erm after dessert mi and kim was slacking at starbucks
and saw milo peng...sam,,, lucify and juzB
till i blog again!!!! FUN FRIDAY NITE!!!! =P

writtern @8/12/2006 03:27:00 PM

Friday, August 11, 2006

HOHOHO these few pics are taken during NATIONAL DAY!!!!
LOVE YOU SINGAPORE!!! and especially the fireworks!!! =P

i love this pic...ying aka ezann aka bao & eileen
maybe its position too... haha

so candid!!! lol...and blur...

ying~kat~eileen [haha the see see chicken DAY] LOL

The twist here and there GIRL!!!lol... NETTE!!!


us again!!! in the AIRCON rooM!!1 keke...

E baby looks cuter in real life... eileen la...
dunno how to take pic.. LOL... kidding!!!

writtern @8/11/2006 12:01:00 AM

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

the fireworks juz ROX!!!
simply love it man...
haha watch it frm brendon house.. his room..
actually wanted to go the the roof top...
wah his rooftop was COOL..
and the view was gorgeous...
haha how i hope i can see freworks everyday!!!
hmm whenever i am sad fireworks may juz brighten my day
keke... =D

oh... well yesterday went out wth kimmy...
we slack around at town... and went back home at around 1 plus...
well the cab fare was juz EX...
hmm in any case its nice to hv a fren around when bored...
so so bored...
todays national day celebration was quite ok...
first time to brendon house... wth eileen and nette...
haha maybe its the last time also.. cuz he moving house lo
haha the funny part was when brendon say i bluff some one
that i am from korea in maple...
and that was jin hong...
worse of all he was in the same room playing
cuz brendon ask mi who i bluff...
i some more reply DUNNO...
haha so pai seh...
but in any case he say he noe that i bluff him...LOL
wah so PAI SEH lo...
hmm so sianz now...
and sad!!!
haiz... how i wish everyday is national day!!!
and maybe if time can turn back...
hate my life now!!!

writtern @8/09/2006 09:56:00 PM

Friday, August 04, 2006

Backy keke...
wah so so tired...
really gotta gv up loading the pics le...
so so so slow...
i think some probz wth it...

hey babes dudes...
go watch lake house!!!
it ROX...
okay to me this movie is full of question marks...
cuz i tend to think a lot!!!
but i really love it...
maybe because of the actors and actress...

i cant wait juz to watch another movie of them...
this movie is so romantic!!!!
too romantic that tears drop unknowingly!!!

hmm tomolo working...
wish mi luck... keke... hope not so tired lo...
haiz... this week so busy and bored!!!
well i look forward to national day...
okay... end here... hope to write soon!!!
miss ya guys.... how ya all doing man!!!
nette... u mia ar...

writtern @8/04/2006 12:27:00 AM